Select Players ages 9-12 pay $850
(fee includes 5 tournaments)
Premiere Players ages 9-12 pay $1000
(fee includes 9 tournaments)
Select Players ages 13-18 pay $1350
(fee includes 7 tournaments)
Premier Players ages 13-18 pay $2150
(fee includes 11 tournaments)e
Payment includes the following
1. 5 months of coaching
2. Referee equipment
3. Spirit Wear
4. Four Months of conditioning classes
5. Two full practices a week
6. Tournament registrations
7. Equipment
8. Facility rental
9. Coaching fees
10. 32 sessions of agility training
11. 6 weeks of additional specialty training classes
12. Optional specialty training during the season
13. Reffing/Scoring training
14. Spirit Wear
A deposit of $75 for two club jerseys is required in addition to the program fees. This deposit will be returned at the end of the tournament season when the jerseys are checked back in.
(fee includes 5 tournaments)
ogram fee for players 13 - 18 is: $1150.00
(fee includes 7 tournaments)
Payment includes the following:
1. 5 months of coaching
2. Referee equipment
3. Spirit Wear
4. Four Months of conditioning classes
5. Two full practices a week
6. Tournament registrations
7. Equipment
8. Facility rental
9. Coaching fees
10. 32 sessions of agility training
11. 6 weeks of additional specialty training classes
12. Optional specialty training during the season
13. Reffing/Scoring training
14. Spirit Wear
A deposit of $75 for two club jerseys is required in addition to the program fees. This deposit will be returned at the end of the tournament season when the jerseys are checked back in.